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Writer's pictureGordon Bonker

Everyone has those days.

I was doing my daily scroll on Twitter this morning on the train and saw this tweet from Lex Friedman:

If you don't know who Lex is, he hosts one of the biggest business and culture podcasts in the world. He's had guests like Mark Zuckerberg, Mr. Beast, Chamath Palihapitiya, Joe Rogan and even was scheduled to interview Vladmir Putin before the Russian Ukraine war. He's built a massive following for his completely unbiased interview style and long format discussions. (They usually go 3-4 hours)

Seeing this tweet at first was of course sad. It caught me off guard on the train ride in.

I've been struggling lately too.

And I've been putting a lot of personal blame on myself for feeling this way. A lot of negative self talk, a lot of disappointment and difficulty getting up and going to work.

I've been through these periods before and I know that this too shall pass. But when you're in the storm, it's hard to see when the rain will let up.

Seeing Lex's tweet today served as a reminder that everyone goes through these periods. Even the most successful and distinguished people in their field will feel these feelings.

So like Lex, I'll post this for you if you are struggling.

We all have those days, weeks, months or maybe even years.

But I promise you that you will get through it.

Remind yourself of all the things you have in life; and give yourself a break.

You got this.


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