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Writer's pictureGordon Bonker

Introducing: The Bonker Bookshelf

What!? Another Bonker alliteration?! How many can he do? The Bonker-Beat Blog, the Bonker-Build Business, and now we've got the Bonker-Bookshelf!? This guy's Bonkers! Alright, Alright, enough of the Bad Bonker Babbling.... I'd like to introduce you all to a new segment I am starting here on the blog: The Bonker Bookshelf.

Over the past few years I've begun to really enjoy reading. I typically read books focused around business, whether it be a memoir or biography, an educational investment book, or just a book focused on improving your personal finances. I also mix in occasional books outside of the business realm that are written by people that I admire or want to learn more about. My bookshelf is relatively small in my office as of today- I've probably read around 10-15 books in the last year and a half. I am by no means a bookworm like I know some of you are out there, but I have grown to really enjoy it and find reading to be a great way to de-stress and gain invaluable perspective in the process.

The Bonker Bookshelf will be a bi-weekly blog post every other Wednesday covering what I am reading or have read, what it's about, what you will learn from reading it, my rating, and an amazon link to purchase the book. (Purchase through my link and you could help The BonkerBeat earn its first revenue! I am now a part of the Amazon Associate Program, allowing me to provide links of products to my audience, and generate a small % portion of the sale to the blog!)

SO without further ado- I present to you all my first Bonker Bookshelf:

What I'm Reading:

The Ride of a Lifetime- by Bob Iger

What it's about:

For all my Disney fans out there, this one is a must read. In my opinion, Bob Iger is a top 3 CEO of our lifetime, and his book The Ride of a Lifetime is a personal memoir recounting his illustrious career as the CEO of the Walt Disney Company. From the most stressful and challenging experiences, to the most rewarding and awe-inspiring, Iger's transparency, humble nature, and ability to bring the reader into the most magical place on earth through the page is nothing short of spectacular.

What you will learn:

There is a ton to take away from this read. Although the majority of us won't be running one of the world's most largest and recognizable companies in our lifetime, we all can learn from and relate to the way the Bob handles the responsibility of leadership, and how to treat others. Aside from learning about leadership and responsibility, you also gain valuable perspective on what goes into a successful career. Iger recounts his entire journey, from his entry-level days working at ABC television, all the way up to becoming a successful media executive, and ultimately the CEO of Disney. I personally really enjoyed having an insiders view into what a career path can look like from start to finish as it relates to reaching the highest level of success in business.

My Rating: = 9.1/10

The Ride of a Lifetime currently sits on my Mt. Rushmore of books. Stories such as what it was like acquiring Star Wars from George Lucas, creating the vision for Disney+, or recounting what it takes to run a $175 Billion company every day, this book was one one of the best I've ever read.

Interested? Buy it using my link!

Other Books on My Shelf:


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