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Writer's pictureGordon Bonker

Leveraging a Recruiter - The Recruit Me Podcast

This past week I had the pleasure of joining Catarina Matias on her podcast, Recruit Me, to talk about all things recruitment, the job market, layoffs, and where the economy is headed in 2023.

I referenced a lot of material from my last blog, "Are you sure?" talking about the latest economic data not fully supporting the need for the extensive layoffs we have seen to start 2023.

Here's a short clip on my YouTube Channel from our discussion:

To watch the full conversation, you can check out the YouTube video here and to listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, check out the links below!

Thank you all who have listened so far and shared feedback regarding the conversation, and be sure to check out the Recruit Me App, available on the iOS App Store! (Link below)

The Recruit Me App puts you in the driver seat of your career growth. Stop stressing over finding the right fit, company, etc. and let them find you.


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